“We could not have got to this momentous decision without your incredible support at every step of the way – thank you so much for your wisdom, friendship, patience and generosity of spirit throughout the consultation. I know the Board share our gratitude to you for the detailed, thorough and robust approach taken throughout the consultation.”
Alistair Burtenshaw, Brice Director & Chief Executive, Watts Gallery – Artists’ Village

Physical Energy has a complex past, assuming multiple meanings both within the artist’s lifetime and afterwards. Part of the sculpture’s history is associated with the commemoration of Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902), the imperialist financier and statesman who played a dominant role in the expansion of the British Empire in Southern Africa.

RESULT: The consultation process is enabling the organisation to re-examine the ways in which the sculpture’s multiple histories can be explored and interpreted today. Plans are underway to display the fourth bronze at Watts Gallery – Artists’ Village.
The full report is available online: https://www.wattsgallery.org.uk/objects/george-frederic-watts-physical-energy-early-1880s-1904
“Thank you so much for providing Watts with such comprehensive input into the report – once again you have gone above and beyond. I have enjoyed working with you immensely and have learnt a lot from you – your energy, passion, perceptiveness and ability to listen to the whole argument and then cut to the quick of it with one, powerful, question or observation has kept this project moving forwards (and kept everyone on their toes!). Thank you. I hope we get to work together again in the future.”
Kate Branson, Audience Insight, Research and Brand Strategist, Watts Gallery – Artists’ Village

“Thank you for everything on the project, really couldn’t have done it without you.’
Philippa Neal, Consultant & Scandinavian Market Lead, Morris Hargreaves McIntyre